Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Starts in New Cities

Well, it's time for a new adventure again.  Through a series of events that even bore me to tears, we came to live in Enoch Utah, on one of the most beautiful plots of land that mother nature has to offer.  Towering trees whose branches and leaves hang down, creating canopies and secret hideouts stand guard around the perimeter, keeping at bay the trendiness of the suburbs that seems to be sweeping the nation.  When we got here the yards (front and back) were overrun with weeds so high the kids could easily get lost in them. Over a couple of days, and with the assistance of my awesome brother Greg's lawn mower and weed eater, I've finally managed to get down to some actual grass!  It's gorgeous!  Better yet, in the process I found an array of random odds and ends that still has my head spinning.  For instance, there were two unicycles, because having only one would just be silly.  There is something that could either be a giant shot-put, or a cannon ball.  Either way, it's a good conversation piece.  :)  I think my favorite is the rusty machete.  It's almost as if the prior residents were out, chopping down the brush with their machete (because who DOESN'T use a machete to cut grass and weeds) and was finally engulfed by the weeds, forced to drop the beloved machete and run for higher ground.
The house has been yet another adventure.  I've replaced door hinges and handles for doors that simply wouldn't close, killed countless mice that had taken over the kitchen, and had two different water leaks.  Luckily the repairs come off of the rent.  Talk about a win-win.  I get to tinker around and stay busy, they get an improved home when they (the owners, who are in Columbia at present) get home, and I get cheaper rent.
I am sure there will be countless more adventures to record, most of which will never make it to this blog since, let's face it, my memory is about as long as a Sponge Bob episode.  So for now...... um, I don't know, go do something productive.  I cut down a friggin JUNGLE today for goodness sake!


  1. Is that your new yard? Even with chickens?? I am so impressed with your jungle removal. I am POSITIVE that the Esplin guys would drool over the machete, even if it is rusty. And I am so glad to find your blog--I'm guessing that since you put it on facebook, it's ok for me to read it. :-)

    Jeanette Esplin
